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Theorems from Graph Theory   

This is a subset of the complete theorem list for the convenience of those who are looking for a particular result in graph theory. Other areas of combinatorics are listed separately.

Numbers in brackets are those from the complete listing.


  1. The Four-Colour Theorem (1)
  2. The Matrix Tree Theorem (12)
  3. Kuratowski's Theorem (24)
  4. Wagner's Theorem (25)
  5. Euler's Formula (26)
  6. Ramsey's Theorem (28)
  7. Cameron's Theorem on Distance-Transitive Graphs (46)
  8. Beineke's Theorem on Line Graphs (48)
  9. The Euler-Hierholzer "Bridges of Königsberg" Theorem (50)
  10. The Robertson-Seymour Graph Minor Theorem (52)
  11. The Strong Perfect Graph Theorem (60)
  12. Graph Colouring by Vertex Degree (70)
  13. 1-factorisation of Regular Graphs (80)
  14. Cayley's Formula (94)
  15. A theorem of Erdős and Wilson on Edge Colouring (117)
  16. Kneser's Conjecture (119)
  17. The Lovász Local Lemma (120)
  18. Theorems of Euler and Rényi on 'e' (136)
  19. A Theorem on Rectangular Tensegrities (140)
  20. Lieb's Square Ice Theorem (144)
  21. The Panarboreal Formula (146)
  22. Woodall's Hopping Lemma (150)
  23. A Tripartite Turán Theorem (155)
  24. Heath's Finitely Discontinuous Function Theorem (162)
  25. The Friendship Theorem (163)
  26. The Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem (168)
  27. Sokal's Theorem on Chromatic Roots (169)
  28. The BEST Theorem (171)
  29. Kőnig's Bipartite Matching Theorem (185)
  30. Karp's Theorem (Detail) (187)
  31. The Handshaking Lemma (189)
  32. Jackson's Theorem on Compatible Euler Tours (190)
  33. Frieze's Theorem on Expected Minimum Tree Length (193)
  34. The Art Gallery Theorem (198)
  35. Vizing's Theorem (212)
  36. Tutte's Golden Identity (223)
  37. Ore's Theorem in Graph Theory (230)
  38. The Hanani–Tutte Theorem (251)
  39. Kasteleyn's Theorem (254)

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