School of Business
Department of Business and Enterprise
Maths Study Group
Archive of Talks/Visits 2016–2017
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- Wednesday 27 September, Tony Forbes (Open), "Graph designs"
- Tuesday 19 September, Robin Whitty (QMUL), "Equitable colourings of graphs", partly following this preprint on proofs of Brook's theorem by Daniel W. Cranston and Landon Rabern
- Wednesday 13 September, Jon Selig (LSBU), "Spheres and circles"
- Wednesday 6 September, Nigel Heyes, Medical Imaging
- Wednesday 30 August, Tony Forbes (Open), A particularly interesting determinant which is not unrelated to the zeta function
- Wednesday 23 August, no meeting
- Wednesday 16 August, Graham Lovegrove, A problem about a recursively defined set
- Wednesday 9 August, no meeting
- Wednesday 2 August, Tony Forbes (Open), "Graph designs"
- Wednesday 26 July, Nigel Phillips (LSBU), "Shomotopy"
- Wednesday 19 July, Tony Forbes (Open), "Graph designs"
- Wednesday 12 July, Tony Forbes (Open), "Two colours"
- Wednesday 5 July, Tony Forbes (Open), "Two colours"
- Friday 30 June, outing to LMS AGM
- Wednesday 28 June, outing to London Mathematical Society popular lectures
- Wednesday 21 June, Tony Forbes (Open), "Two colours"
- Wednesday 14 June, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Bertrand's ballot theorem" based on this 'poster'
- Wednesday 7 June, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Bertrand's ballot theorem and other voting phenomena"
- Wednesday 31 May, Tony Forbes (Open), "Skolem sequences"
- Wednesday May 24, outing to Oxford one-day meeting in combinatorics
- Tuesday 23 May, outing to Gresham College/LMS lecture by Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, "Mathematics Can Make You Fly?"
- Wednesday May 17, Tony Forbes (Open), "Hill climbing"
- Wednesday May 10, outing to QMUL/LSE colloquia on combinatorics
- Tuesday May 2: no meeting
- Tuesday April 25, outing to Workshop on Random Graphs and Random Processes at Kings College
- Tuesday 18 April, Tony Forbes (Open), Pentagonal Geometries
- Tuesday 11 April, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Bell ringing and group theory"
- Tuesday 4 April, no meeting
- Thursday 30 March, outing to Queen Mary for inaugural lecture by Thomas Prellberg: "Approximate Counting"
- Tuesday 28 March, Abdelhamid Fenghour (LSBU), "The Second Law of Thermodynamics"
- Wednesday 22 March, outing to 2017 Christopher Zeeman Lecture at Royal Society, "Maths, Teamwork and Googlies" by Rob Eastaway
- Tuesday 14 March, Nigel Heys, "The mathematics of airline overbooking"
- Tuesday 7 March, Tony Forbes (Open), Pentagonal Geometries
- Tuesday 28 February, 2017 New Year Lecture: Leonard Soicher (Queen Mary University of London), "A new upper bound on the clique number of a strongly regular graph" (his slides)
- Tuesday 21 February, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "The Lights Out Game"
- Tuesday 14 February, Tony Forbes (Open), "Factorization using the Number Field Sieve"
- Tuesday 7 February, Tony Forbes (Open) “Theta Graphs”
- Wednesday 1 February, Mohamed Mehbali (LSBU) “Statistical Analysis of Maths drop-in sessions”
- Wednesday 25 January, no meeting
- Wednesday 18 January, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "A constructive proof of an upper bound for k-chord pancyclicity."
- Wednesday 11 January, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "k-chord pancyclicity in graphs"
- Wednesday 21 December, no meeting
- Tuesday 13 December, outing to The Alan Turing Institute (at British Library) for Workshop/Public Lectures: "Large-Scale Structures in Random Graphs"
- Wednesday 7 December, Graham Lovegrove (Open) "The Constant Configuration Conjecture"
- Wednesday 30 November, Tony Forbes (Open), "Graph designs"
- Wednesday 23 November, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Representations of transversal matroids"
- Friday 18 November 2016, Robin Whitty (QMUL), the No-Tetratorus Theorem (based on two preprints of Michael Elgersma and Stan Wagon, one of which is available on the arxiv).
- Friday 11 November 2016, outing to LMS AGM
- Wednesday 9 November 2016, 6pm, outing to Museum of London: "Leonardo, Rapunzel and the mathematics of hair" by Raymond E. Goldstein
- Thursday 3 November, outing to LMS/BCS-FACS Seminar: Muffy Calder, "Probabilistic Formal Analysis of Software Usage Styles in the Wild"
- Wednesday 2 November 2016, outing to Old Codgers combinatorics meeting at Reading University
- Thursday 27 October 2016, outing to Gresham College: "Curves in honour of Leibniz's tercentenary" by Jan van Maanen, Snezana Lawrence and Kenneth Falconer.
- Wednesday 19 October 2016, Tony Forbes (Open) "Graph Designs"
- Wednesday 12 October 2016, no meeting
- Wednesday 5 October 2016, Gary Michalek (La Salle), "Writing Numbers in Base N, part II"
- Wednesday 28 September 2016, Gary Michalek (La Salle), "Writing Numbers in Base N (Number Systems and Just Touching Covering Systems)" abstract
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or this page: Carrie Rutherford