School of Business
Department of Business and Enterprise
Maths Study Group
Archive of Talks/Visits 2014–2015
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- Wednesday 30 September, 2015, Nigel Phillips (LSBU) "A coin-tossing game and questions of discrepancy"
- Thursday 24 September, 2015, outing to Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books award ceremony
- Thursday 17 September, 2015, outing to Donald Preece Memorial Day at Queen Mary
- Wednesday 16 September, 2015, outing to workshop at Imperial College: "Mathematical Approaches to Evolutionary Trees"
- Wednesday 9 September, 2015, Nigel Phillips (LSBU) "Algorithmic Probability" (his slides)
- Wednesday 2 September, 2015, Jon Selig (LSBU), "Equimomental systems and robot dynamics"
- Wednesday 26 August, 2015, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "The Random Graph, part 2"
- Wednesday 19 August, 2015, Tony Forbes (Open), "An introduction to radioactivity"
- Wednesday 12 August, 2015, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "The Random Graph" following slides at http://www-circa.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~pjc/talks/spm14/pjc_rg1.pdf with Part 2 on the 26th"
- Wednesday 5 August, 2015, Nigel Heys, "Noether's Theorem"
- Wednesday 29 July 2015, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "The geometry of covering codes" (based on this talk by Massimo Giulietti)
- Wednesday 22 July, 2015, no talk
- Wednesday 15 July 2015, Gary Michalek (La Salle) "Number systems and fractals"
- Friday 3 July 2015 at 3.30pm, outing to London Mathematical Society LMS 150th Anniversary Society Meeting and Hardy Lecture
- Tuesday 30 June 2015, Graham Farr (Monash) "Minors for alternating dimaps", (his slides. See also this preprint)
- Thursday 25 June 2015, outing to Institute of Education for London Mathematical Society Popular Lectures
- Wednesday 24 June 2015, outing to Royal Society for IMA lecture "Pure or Applied? - After 150 years of the London Mathematical Society and as a data tsunami sweeps our society, does mathematics have anything to add?" by Terry Lyons. Preceded by Robin Whitty (Queen Mary) on "A theorem of Monge and Halphen on conic sections", using these slides by Bruce Reznick.
- Wednesday 17 June 2015, outing to Imperial College to hear Hardy Lecturer Nalini Joshi (University of Sydney), "When applied mathematics collided with algebra"
- Thursday 11 June 2015, outing to Royal Statistical Society event "Communicating statistics with the media"
- Wednesday 3 June 2015, Nigel Heys, "Chaotic Signal Processing"
- Wednesday 27 May 2015, Graham Lovegrove "Cycle systems"
- Tuesday 26th May, outing to hear "Why is my car insurance so expensive?" by John Birkenhead
- Wednesday 20 May 2015, outing to LMS/Gresham College Lecture "Geometry: A New Weapon in the Fight Against Viruses" by Reidun Twarock (watch online)
- Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 May 2015, outing to Queen Mary/LSE combinatorics colloquia
- Wednesday 6 May 2015, Tony Forbes (Open) "Graph Designs"
- Wednesday 29th April 2015, Jon Selig (LSBU) "The catalecticant" (his notes)
- Wednesday 22nd April 2015, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Buratti's Problem: the cycle version, Part 1.5"
- Wednesday 15th April 2015, Francesca Merola (Roma Tre University) "On Hamiltonian cycle systems with a nice automorphism group" (her notes)
- Wednesday 8th April 2015, Tony Forbes (Open), "Poncelet's Porism and Elliptic Curves" (his notes, version 23.05.15, 1.3MB)
- Wednesday 1st April 2015, Robin Whitty (Queen Mary), "Kemeny's constant" (based on this paper by Peter Doyle).
- Wednesday 25th March 2015, Jon Selig (LSBU), "Geometry of stereo vision and graphics"
- Wednesday 18th March 2015, Murad Banaji (Portsmouth), "Matrices, exterior algebra and combinatorics"
- Wednesday 11th March 2015, Tony Forbes (Open), "The Towers of Hanoi II"
- Wednesday 4th March 2015, outing to Open University Winter Combinatorics meeting
- Tuesday 3rd March 2015, outing to the Royal Society to hear "Maths for the Masses" by Marcus du Sautoy
- Friday 27th February 2015, outing to LMS Mary Cartwright Lecture & Society Meeting
- Tuesday 17th February 2015, outing to QMUL to hear "Conway's surreal numbers and transseries" by Alessandro Berarducci (Pisa)
- Wednesday 11th February, Tony Forbes (Open), "The Towers of Hanoi"
- Wednesday 4th February, two outings: "Maths is cool!" by George Hart at Middlesex University and "Forecasting demand for London 2012 and what really happened then and since" by Sandra Weddell at UCL
- Wednesday 21st January 2015, no meeting
- Wednesday 14th January 2015, 2015 New Year Lecture: Rosemary Bailey (St Andrews and Queen Mary), "Circular designs balanced for neighbours at distances one and two"
- Wednesday January 7th 2015, no meeting
- Wednesday December 17th 2014, no meeting
- Wednesday December 10th 2014, Christmas Lecture: Dimiter Zlatanov (Genoa) “Singular configurations of mechanisms and manipulators”
- Wednesday December 3rd 2014, Tony Forbes (Open) "Regular Polytopes II" (his notes)
- Monday December 1st, 2014outing to Queen Mary University of London, to hear Helen Byrne (Oxford) "Seeing the wood for the trees with mathematical modelling"
- Wednesday November 26th 2014, Tony Forbes (Open) "Regular Polytopes I" (slides kindly provided by Peter Cameron here)
- Wednesday November 19th 2014, Robin Whitty (Queen Mary), "Sperner's Lemma and Applications" (mostly based on this)
- Monday 17 November 2014 outing to hear Toby Gee (Imperial) at Queen Mary University of London on "The modularity of elliptic curves 20 years on"
- Friday 14th November 2014 at 3pm, outing to London Mathematical Society AGM at the Institute of Education, London
- Wednesday 12th November 2014, Tony Forbes (Open) "Decision problems for linear recurrence sequences" based on the LMS/BCS-FACS talk by Joel Ouaknine (see October 22, Tony kindly posts these notes)
- Wednesday 5th November 2014, outing to Old Codgers Meeting, Reading University
- Tuesday 4th November 2014 outing to hear Peter Cameron (St Andrews) at Queen Mary University of London on 'Regular Polytopes'
- Monday 3rd November 2014 outing to hear Jon Keating (Bristol) at Queen Mary University of London on "Primes and Polynomials in Short Intervals"
- Wednesday 29 October 2014, Tony Forbes (Open) "The Bruck–Ryser Theorem, Part II" (his notes)
- Wednesday 22 October 2014, BCS-FACS evening seminar: "Decision problems for linear recurrence sequences" by Joel Ouaknine, De Morgan House from 5.30pm.
- Wednesday 15 October 2014, Tony Forbes (Open) "Hyperplanes that meet at a common point"
- Wednesday 8 October 2014, Ten-Year Anniversary Lecture: Peter Cameron (St Andrews and Queen Mary) "Hadamard matrices". His slides are here.
- Wednesday 1 October 2014, Tony Forbes (Open) "The Bruck–Ryser Theorem" (his notes)
- Wednesday 24 September 2014, Robin Whitty (Queen Mary) "Euler-Maclaurin summation" (based on a paper by Mike Spivey, ref. 7 here. See also ref. 8)
Comments or queries about the Maths Study Group
or this page: Carrie Rutherford