School of Business
London Centre for Business and Entrepreneurship Research
Maths Study Group
Archive of Talks/Visits 2019–2020
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- Thursday 24th September, Graham Lovegrove (Open), "The probabilistic method"
- Tuesday 15th September, Tony Forbes, "Graphs with girth 5"
- Tuesday 8th September, Taoyang Wu (East Anglia), “The Urn Models, part 2”
- Tuesday 1st September, Taoyang Wu (East Anglia), “The Urn Models”
- Tuesday 18th August, Tony Forbes, "Pentagonal geometries"
- Tuesday 11th August, Mohamed Mehbali (LSBU) “Some aspects of the three-index assignment polytope”
- Tuesday 4th August, Graham Lovegrove (Open), "The probabilistic method" The probabilistic method (1.5MB)
- Tuesday 28th July, Nigel Phillips (LSBU), "On playing several games at once" (slides 350KB pdf)
- Tuesday 21st July, Tony Forbes (Open), "Paths, Catalan's triangle and girths"
- Tuesday 14th July, Jon Selig (LSBU), "Chicks, eggs and advertising" (his preprint)
- Tuesday 7th July, Robin Whitty, "Brouwer's intuitionism", based on this article (0.4MB pdf) by Olivier Keller
- Tuesday 30th June, Graham Lovegrove (Open), "The probabilistic method"
- Friday 26th June, virtual outing to London Mathematical Society General Meeting and Hardy Lecture
- Tuesday 23rd June, Nigel Heys, "Asymmetric topology" (based on this talk (4MB pdf) by Steve Matthews)
- Friday 19th June, online lecture by Peter Varju giving an introduction to Peter Sarnak's Hardy Lecture on 26th
- Tuesday 16th June, Tony Forbes, "Pentagonal geometry"
- Tuesday 9th June, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Fermat's 2-squares Theorem" (based on this webpage)
- Thursday 12th March, Tony Forbes (Open), "Graph spectra"
- Thursday 20th February, Graham Lovegrove (Open), "Van der Waerden's Theorem"
- Thursday 13th February, Tony Forbes (Open) "Futher ramblings about Graph Spectra"
- Thursday 30th January 2020, Tony Forbes (Open) "Graph spectra"
- Thursday 5th December 2019 at 12 noon, Carrie Rutherford, "An application of Equitable Colorings to Resource Allocation". Interact (3d Floor of LSBU Business School)
- Friday 29th November, outing to London Mathematical Society AGM, starting 1430
- Thursday 21st November, outing to LMS/BCS-FACS Evening Seminar 2019, Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford), "When to Trust a Self-Driving Car...", De Morgan house at 6pm
- Wednesday 20th November, inaugural lecture of Mohammad Osman Tohki, LSBU at 1730
- Wednesday 6th November, outing to Reading University for Old Codgers' combinatorics meeting
- Wednesday 23rd October, Tony Forbes (Open), "Some properties of triple systems"
- Saturday 19th October, outing to De Morgan House, London, for LMS's DeMorgan@21 celebration
- Wednesday 9th October, Tony Forbes (Open) "Some properties of triple systems"
- Wednesday 2nd October, Fatima Affif Chaouche, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, "The union closed sets conjecture and graphs"
Comments or queries about the Maths Study Group
or this page: Carrie Rutherford