School of Business
London Centre for Business and Entrepreneurship Research
Maths Study Group
Archive of Talks/Visits 2018–2019
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- Wednesday 4th September, Luís Paulo Laus (Universidade Federal do Paraná), "Matroid applications in mechanism theory"
- Wednesday 28th August, Tony Forbes (Open), "Group divisible designs"
- Tuesday 23rd July, Gary Michalek (La Salle), "Groups of Expressible Numbers"
- Friday 19th July, Robin Whitty, "Equitable colourings of graphs"
- Wednesday 10th July, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Equitable colourings of graphs"
- Wednesday 3rd July, Tony Forbes (Open), "Group Divisible Designs with block size 4: recent progress"
- Friday 28th June, London Mathematical Society General Meeting and Aitken Lecture
- Wednesday 26th June, outing to LMS Popular Lectures
- Wednesday 29th May, outings: One-Day Meeting in Combinatorics, University of Oxford and 2019 Gresham lecture by Helen Wilson "Toothpaste, Custard and Chocolate: Mathematics Gets Messy"
- Thursday 16th May, Tony Forbes (Open) "Incomplete Latin Squares"
- Wednesday 8th May and Thursday 9th May, outing to 2019 QMUL-LSE Colloquia in Combinatorics
- Thursday 2nd May, Mohamed Mehbali (LSBU) "Approximate methods to solve 3-index Assignment Problem"
- Thursday 25th April,
Peter Cameron (St Andrews) "Four Precious Jewels" (a virtual colloquium using Zoom)
- Thursday 18th April, Luis P. Laus (Federal University of Technology - Parana (UTFPR)), "Analysis of self-aligning mechanisms by means of matroid theory, Part 2"
- Thursday 11th April, Dhia Kadhem (Essex University), "Genetic Algorithm to solve Solid Assignment Problem"
- Thursday 21st March, Luis P. Laus (Federal University of Technology - Parana (UTFPR)), "Analysis of self-aligning mechanisms by means of matroid theory"
- Tuesday 19th March, outing to Kings College for live screening of 2019 Abel prize announcement
- Thursday 14th March, Tony Forbes (Open), "On M500 Problem 288.2"
- Thursday 7th March, Graham Lovegrove (Open), "Continued fractions"
- Wednesday 20th February, outing to OU Winter Combinatorics Meeting
- Thursday 7th Feb, Jon Selig (LSBU), "Equimomental systems of point masses"
- Thursday 31st Jan, Tony Forbes (Open), "Resolution of partial steiner triple systems"
- Thursday 24th January, 2019, Graham Lovegrove (Open), "Bernoulli numbers"
- Thursday 17th January, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Centrilinearity"
- Thursday 6th December, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Centrilinearity"
- Thursday 29th November, Jon Selig (LSBU) "Controllability and observability"
- Thursday 22nd November, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), Centrilinearity
- Thursday 15th November, Tony Forbes (Open), Group-divisible designs
- Tuesday 13th November, outing to University of Greenwich for IMA London branch meeting "Crowd modelling and big data: how maths and stats are keeping us moving" by Aoife Hunt (Movement Strategies)
- Friday 9th November, outing to London Mathematical Society AGM
- Thursday 8th November, Tony Forbes (Open) "Tensor products of graphs"
- Wednesday 7th November, outing to Reading for Old Codgers' combinatorics meeting
- Thursday 1st November, Graham Lovegrove (Open) "Kalman filters" (followed by 2018 LMS/BCS-FACS evening seminar: Bill Roscoe(Oxford), "Verifying CSP and its offspring")
- Thursday 18th October, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), Controllability of linear systems
- Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th October, outing to Royal Society meeting "Srinivasa Ramanujan: in celebration of the centenary of his election as FRS"
- Thursday 11th October, Jon Selig (LSBU), "On systems of mutually annihilating idempotents"
- Thursday 4th October, Tony Forbes (Open), Group-divisible designs
Comments or queries about the Maths Study Group
or this page: Carrie Rutherford