School of Business
London Centre for Business and Entrepreneurship Research
Maths Study Group
Archive of Talks/Visits 2017–2018
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- Thursday 27th September, Carrie Rutherford (LSUB), "Centrolinearity"
- Thursday 20th September, no meeting
- Tuesday 11th September, outing to IMA-LMS Joint Meeting: Noether Celebration
- Thursday 6th September, Nigel Phillips (LSBU), A Look at Fredricksen's and Kessler's Algorithm For Generating Necklaces of Beads in Two Colours
- Thursday 23rd August, no meeting
- Thursday 30th August, no meeting
- Thursday 16th August, no meeting
- Thursday 9th August, no meeting
- Thursday 2nd Aug no meeting
- Thursday 26th July, no meeting
- Thursday 19th July, Tony Forbes (Open), Circulant graphs and strong regularity
- Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th July, 2018, Martin Dyer Day and Queen Mary Algorithms Day (QMAD) at Queen Mary University of London
- Thursday 12 July, 2018, Nigel Phillips (LSBU), "In Search of the Mathematics of Cellular Automata Rings using the Multiplexer Rule"
- Wednesday 4 July, 2018, outing to London Mathematical Society Popular Lectures
- Friday 29 June, 2018, outing to LMS General Meeting and Hardy Lecture
- Wednesday June 27, 2018, outing to IMA Presedential Address
- Thursday 21 June, 2018, Mohamed Mehbali (LSBU) "Solving the solid assignment problem"
- Thursday 14 June, 2018, Jon Selig (LSBU), "The screw triangle and the BCH formula"
- Thursday 7 June, 2018, no meeting
- Thursday 31 May, 2018, no meeting
- Wednesday 23 May, 2018, outing to Oxford University One-Day Meeting in Combinatorics
- Tuesday 22 May, 2018, outing to Museum of London to hear Gresham College lecture "Mathematical Research from Toy Models" by Tadashi Tokieda
- Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th May, 2018, outing to one-day combinatorics colloquia at Queen Mary University of London and LSE
- Thursday 3 May, 2018, Tony Forbes (Open) Group divisible designs
- Tuesday 24 April, 2018, outing to The Royal Statistical Society to hear 3rd annual Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) Lecture: David Spiegelhalter, "Statistics, risk and the media"
- Thursday 19 April, no meeting
- Thursday 12 April, no meeting
- Thursday 5 April, Koko Kayibi (Qatar University), "An attempt to solve the P versus NP problem"
- Thursday 29 March, 2018, no meeting
- Thursday 22 March, 2018, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Cayley’s formula for the number of trees – another Proof from THE BOOK"
- Thursday 15 March, 2018, outing to Royal Society for David Crighton Lecture and Presentation 2018: I. David Abrahams, "Mathematics, Metamaterials and Meteorites"
- Thursday 8 March, 2018 New Year Lecture, Mark Jerrum (Queen Mary University of London), "An update on the Tutte polynomial"
- Thursday 1 March, 2018, Tony Forbes (Open) "Group divisible designs with block size 4 and type g^u m^1"
- Thursday 22 February, 2018, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Cayley’s formula for the number of trees – a Proof from THE BOOK"
- Thursday 15 February, 2018, outing to Gresham College lecture "Euler's Equation: the Most Beautiful Theorem in Mathematics" by Robin Wilson
- Thursday 8th February, 2018, Jon Selig, "Quadrics in P^3"
- Thursday 1 February, 2018, no meeting
- Thursday 25 January, 2018, no meeting
- Thursday 18 January, 2018, no meeting
- Thursday 11 January, 2018, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Matroid representations over partial fields, II"
- Thursday 14 December, no meeting
- Thursday 7 December, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Matroid representations over partial fields"
- Thursday 30 November, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "k-chord pancyclicity — is c(n, k) well-defined?"
- Thursday 23 November, Tony Forbes (Open) , "Group divisible design with block size 4, part 2"
- Thursday 16 November, Tony Forbes (Open), "Group divisible design with block size 4, part 1"
- Thursday 2 November, outing to LMS-BCS FACS talk "Symbolic Computation Techniques in SMT Solving" by Erika Ábrahám (RWTH Aachen University)
- Wednesday 1 November, outing to Old Codgers combinatorics meeting, Reading University
- Wednesday 25 October, outing to BHSM–Gresham College lectures
- Wednesday 18 October, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Controllable linear systems II"
- Thursday 12 October, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Controllable linear systems I"
- Wednesday 4 October, no meeting
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or this page: Carrie Rutherford