School of Business
Department of Business and Enterprise
Maths Study Group
Archive of Talks/Visits 2015–2016
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- Wednesday 21 September 2016, no meeting
- Wednesday 14 September 2016, outing to Royal Statistical Society meeting: "Has the public really had enough of experts?"
- Wednesday 7 September 2016, no meeting
- Tuesday 23 August 2016, Robin Whitty (QMUL), Bézout's Theorem (based on this by Stephanie Fitchett and this by Andries Brouwer)
- Wednesday 17 August 2016, Tony Forbes (Open University) "Graph Designs"
- Wednesday 10 August, no meeting
- Wednesday 3 August 2016, Jon Selig, "A Very Basic Introduction to Persistient Homology"
- Wednesday 27 July 2016, Piers Myers (LSBU), "Nets and beaches"
- Wednesday 20 July, no meeting
- Wednesday 13 July 2016, Tony Forbes (Open) "The towers of Hanoi"
- Friday 8 July 2016, outing to UCL for LMS AGM + Hardy Lecture
- Wednesday 29 June 2016, outing to LMS Popular Lectures, 1900, Inst. of Education
- Wednesday 22 June 2016, Tony Forbes (Open) "The Bernoulli numbers III"
- Wednesday 15 June 2016, Tony Forbes (Open) "The triangle/trapezium dissection problem"
- Wednesday 1 June 2016, outing to Oxford for combinatorics meeting
- Tuesday 24 May 2016, outing to LMS/Gresham lecture "Mathematics, measurement and money" by Norman Biggs
- Wednesday 18 May 2016,
Piers Myers (LSBU), "Folding Jewellery"
- Wednesday 11 May 2016, outing to QMUL for Combinatorics Colloquium
- Wednesday 4 May 2016,
outing to LSE hear "P-value likelihood ratios for evidence evaluation in forensic statistics" by James Abdey
- Wednesday 27 April 2016, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Dissections of equilateral triangles"
- Wednesday 20 April 2016, 2016 New Year Lecture: Volkert van der Wijk (King's College London), "Design of inherently dynamically balanced mechanisms and the study of the motion of masses with principal vectors" abstract
- Wednesday 13th April 2016, Nigel Phillips (LSBU) "Computability by Probablistic Machines - take two" (his slides)
- Wednesday 6 April 2016, no meeting
- Wednesday 30 March 2016, no meeting
- Wednesday 23 March 2016, no meeting
- Wednesday 16 March 2016, Tony Forbes (Open) "Graph Designs"
- Wednesday 9 March 2016, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Latin Bitrades"
- Wednesday 2 March 2016, Nigel Phillips (LSBU) "Relativity"
- Wednesday 24 February, outing to Imperial College to hear "Natural ventilation, eruption columns and fires: Modelling steady and unsteady turbulent plumes" by John Craske
- Wednesday 17 February, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Delta-matroids and delta-matroid polynomials, Part II"
- Wednesday 10 February, Ken Lord, "Special functions"
- Wednesday 3 February 2016, Tony Forbes (Open) "Graph designs"
- Wednesday 27 January 2016, No meeting
- Wednesday 20 January 2016, outing to OU Winter Combinatorics Meeting
- Wednesday 13 January 2016, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Knapsacks, Markov chains and random portfolio optimization, Part II"
- Wednesday 6 January, 2016, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Knapsacks, Markov chains and random portfolio optimization"
- Wednesday 16 December, 2015, Tony Forbes (Open) "Graph designs"
- Wednesday 9 December, 2015, no meeting
- Wednesday 2 December, 2015, Nigel Phillips (LSBU) "Computability of probabilistic machines"
- Wednesday, 25 November, Koko Kayibi (Qatar University) "The Knapsack problem"
- Friday 13 November, 2015, outing to LMS AGM
- Wednesday 18 November, 2015, Tony Forbes (Open) "Snarks" (based on this paper)
- Wednesday 11 November, 2015, outing to Birkbeck to hear Cheryl Praeger (University of Western Australia), “Local transitivity properties of graphs and pairwise transitive designs” (her slides)
- Tuesday 3rd November 2015, Tony Forbes (Open) "The Bernoulli Numbers II" (his notes) + outing to LMS for "The Mathematics of Program Construction" by Roland Backhouse
- Wednesday 28 October, 2015, Tony Forbes (Open) "The Bernoulli Numbers I"
- Wednesday 21 October, 2015, Fatima Affif Chaouche, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, "Pancyclicity and Hamiltonicity"
- Wednesday 14 October, 2015, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Delta-matroids and delta-matroid polynomials"
- Wednesday 7 October, 2015, outing to Queen Mary for "Maths Magic" by Matt Parker
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or this page: Carrie Rutherford