School of Business
Department of Business and Enterprise
Maths Study Group
Archive of Talks/Visits 2013–2014
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- Wednesday 17 September 2014, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Buratti's Problem: the cycle version"
- Wednesday 10 September 2014, Francesca Merola (Roma Tre University) "A conjecture of Buratti and its generalisations: on graphs with prescribed chromatic sequence"
- Wednesday 3 September, no meeting
- Wednesday 27 August 2014, Robin Whitty (Queen Mary) "Giuga's Conjecture and Differentiating Constants" (Takashi Agoh's paper is here)
- Wednesday 20 August 2014, no meeting
- Wednesday 13 August 2014, Robin Whitty (Queen Mary) "Counting primes" (the O(√n) implementation of Wilson's Theorem is here)
- Wednesday 6 August 2014, Tony Forbes (Open) "Wilson's Theorem in design theory III". His notes.
- Wednesday 30 July 2014, Tony Forbes (Open) "Wilson's Theorem in design theory II"
- Wednesday 16 July 2014, Fuad Shareef (Queen Mary) "Wedderburn's Theorem and Projective Geometry"
- Wednesday 9 July 2014, outing to LMS Popular Lectures
- Wednesday 2 July 2014, Tony Forbes (Open) "Wilson's Theorem in design theory I"
- Wednesday 25 June 2014, Robin Whitty (Queen Mary) "Wedderburn's Theorem on Division Rings" (see Theorem of the Day no. 215, and these notes)
- Wednesday 18 June 2014, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Combinatorial approaches in chemical reaction network theory"
- Wednesday 11 June 2014, no meeting
- Friday 6 June 2014, outing to inaugural lecture of Sarah Hart "The Art of Group Theory and the Group Theory of Art"
- Wednesday 4 June 2014, we entertained our external speaker Tony Forbes (Open) with a 45-minute closed session of MSG in Lift 16 of the London Road Building
- Thursday 29 May 2014, outing to inaugural lecture of Prof. Reimer Kühn at Kings College: "Random walks in complex networks"
- Wednesday, 21 May, outing to hear "The Secret Mathematicians" by Marcus du Sautoy
- Thursday, 15 May, outing to Greenwich Maths Talent 2014, University of Greenwhich
- Wednesday 14 May 2014, outing to Queen Mary for joint QM/LSE combinatorics colloquia
- Wednesday 7 May 2014, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU) "Minors for alternating dimaps, part 5" (continuing our study of this preprint by Graham Farr)
- Wednesday 30 April 2014, Robin Whitty (Queen Mary) "Linear recurrences and a 'faintly outrageous' open problem" (based on this blog post by Terry Tao and these notes by Ernie Croot)
- Wednesday 23rd April 2014, no meeting
- Wednesday 16 April 2014, outing to joint meeting of the societies London Mathematical and Royal Meteorological, Imperial College.
- Tuesday 8 April 2014, outing to LMS meeting at BMC, Queen Mary: Claire Voisin, "Points, zero cycles, and rationality questions".
- Monday 7 April 2014, outing to Public Lecture at BMC, Queen Mary: Persi Diaconis, "The Magic of Martin Gardner"
- Wednesday 2 April 2014, no meeting
- Wednesday 26 March 2014, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Minors for alternating dimaps, part 4"
- Wednesday 19 March 2014, outing to London Number Theory seminar to hear Peter Sarnak, title TBA
- Tuesday 18 March 2014, Outing to "Number Theory and the Circle Packings of Apollonius" by Peter Sarnak, at Kings College
- Wednesday 12 March 2014, Tony Forbes (Open University) "Constructions of designs"
- Wednesday 5 March 2014, outing to UCL for the inaugural lecture of Professor Michael Singer: ‘The aesthetics of shape’
- Wednesday 26 February 2014, Annual New Year Lecture, Misha Rudnev (University of Bristol), "The Szémeredi–Trotter Theorem and some Applications in Geometric/Arithmetic Combinatorics"
- Wednesday 19 February 2014, Tony Forbes (Open University) "Wilson's theorems on 2-designs"
- Wednesday 12 February 2014, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Minors for alternating dimaps, part 3"
- Wednesday 5 February 2014, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Minors for alternating dimaps, part 2" (continuing our study of this preprint by Graham Farr)
- Wednesday 29 January 2014, outing to Open University Winter combinatorics meeting
- Wednesday 22nd January 2014, outing to QMUL Centre for Discrete Mathematics seminar: Brett Stevens (Chicago) "Combinatorial objects in reliability testing"
- Wednesday 15th January 2014, Tony Forbes (Open University), Acyclic orientations and poly-Bernoulli numbers
(based on this talk by Peter Cameron and Robert Schumacher)
- Wednesday 8th January 2014, Jon Selig, Riemannian manifolds II
- Wednesday 11th December, Jon Selig, Riemannian manifolds I
- Wednesday 4th December, Aylin Cakiroglu, Queen Mary, Optimal Designs in Large Systems
- Wednesday 27th November, Carrie Rutherford (LSBU), "Minors for alternating dimaps" (based on this preprint by Graham Farr)
- Wednesday 20th November, Carrie Rutherford, LSBU, "Variants of pancyclicity"
- Friday 15th November, outing to LMS AGM, including Graeme Segal's presidential address "Space and spaces"
- Wednesday 6th November, Robin Whitty, Queen Mary, "Lattice-based Cryptography" (based on this presentation by Phong Nguyen and this by Daniele Micciancio)
- Wednesday 30th October, Old Codgers combinatorics meeting at Reading (at least 2 of the talks are worth recommending to undergraduates)
- Wednesday 23rd October, Michelle Kendall, Royal Holloway, "Expander graphs II"
- Wednesday 16th October, Michelle Kendall, Royal Holloway, "Expander graphs" (see Hoory et al for more)
- Thursday 10th October, Book launch: Combinatorics: Ancient & Modern edited by Robin Wilson and John J. Watkins, at Gresham College
- Wednesday 9th October, Tony Forbes, Open University, "Rational points on elliptic curves"
- Wednesday 2nd October, Fuad Shareef, Queen Mary), The Covering Radius in Coding Theory
- Wednesday 25th September, Robin Whitty, Queen Mary, "Matchings, covers and the union-closed sets conjecture" (linking to Fatima Affif Chaouche's talk on 18th, by way of material given here and here)
- Wednesday 18th September, Fatima Affif Chaouche, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, "The union-closed sets conjecture in graph theory" (based on this paper)
- Wednesday 11th September, Robin Whitty, Queen Mary, "The Riemann Hypothesis" (preparation for a Rewley House day school)
- Wednesday 4th September, Carrie Rutherford, "Some results on the structure and spectra of matrix products"
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or this page: Carrie Rutherford