School of Business
Department of Business and Enterprise
Maths Study Group
Archive of Talks/Visits 2010–2011
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- Wednesday 14th September, the MSG did not meet
- Wednesday 7th September, Nigel Heys, Kalman Filters
- Wednesday 31st August, Jon Selig, Gröbner Bases IV: Buchberger's Algorithm
- Wednesday 24th August, Koko Kayibi, Qatar University, Linear generation of simple graphs with given degree sequence
- Wednesday 17th August, the MSG did not meet
- Wednesday 10th August, Jon Selig's talk on Gröbner Bases had to be postponed again!
- Wednesday 3rd August, Tony Forbes, Open University, Some remarks on sudoku
- Wednesday 27th July, Carrie Rutherford, On the cyclic sieving phenomenon (based on Bruce Sagan's BCC talk)
- Wednesday 20th July, Koko Kayibi's talk had to be cancelled
- Wednesday 13th July, Robin Whitty, Bipartite Matchings
- Wednesday 6th July, outing to Royal Society Summer Exhibition (the mathematics exhibits are listed here)
- Wednesday 29th June, outing to London Mathematical Society Popular Lectures
- Wednesday 22nd June, Carrie Rutherford, Heavy O-Graphs
- Wednesday 15th June, Jon Selig's talk on Gröbner Bases had to be postponed.
- Wednesday 8th June, Tony Forbes, Geometric graph designs
- Wednesday 1st June, Jon Selig, Gröbner Bases Part III: Gröbner bases and monomial ideals
- Wednesday 25th May, Robin Whitty, the Szemerédi-Trotter Theorem
- Wednesday 18th May, Outing to Queen Mary for One-Day Colloquium in Combinatorics
- Wednesday 11th May, Jon Selig, Gröbner Bases Part II: Monomial Orders and the Division Algorithm
- Wednesday, 4th May, Jon Selig, Gröbner Bases Part I: Varieties and Ideals
- Wednesday, 20th April 2011, Carrie Rutherford, On the structure and density of sign-P-matrices and their associated graphs
- Wednesday, 30th March 2011, Taoyang Wu, National University of Singapore, Coalescent Theory
- Wednesday, 23rd March 2011, outing to City University to hear John McKay, Some recent thoughts on Sporadics
- Wednesday, 9th March 2011, Tony Forbes, Open University, More on algebraic numbers II
- Wednesday, 2nd March 2011, Tony Forbes, Open University, More on algebraic numbers I
- Monday 21st Feb 2011, outing to the Annual Queen Mary Maths lectures.
- Wednesday 16th Feb 2011, outing to a Lighthill Institute Evening Lecture (Chris Budd, University of Bath, Mathematical Radar).
- Wednesday, 9th February
2011, Robin Whitty, Symmetric
- Wednesday, 2nd February
2011, Koko Kayibi, Qatar University, The T-tetrominoes tilings markov chain is rapidly mixing
- Wednesday 26th January 2011, 2011 New Year Lecture, Elizabeth Mansfield, University of Kent,
Mathematics of handwriting recognition.
- Wednesday, 19th January, Graham Farr (Monash), Transforms, minors and generalised Tutte polynomials.
- Wednesday, 15th December 2010, Carrie Rutherford, Greedoids.
- Wednesday, 1st December 2010, Carrie Rutherford, Submodular Functions.
- Wednesday, 24th November 2010, Carrie Rutherford, Transversal Matroids II.
- Wednesday, 17th November 2010, Carrie Rutherford, Transversal Matroids I.
- Wednesday, 3rd November 2010, outing to Reading Old Codger's One-Day Combinatorics Colloquium.
- Wednesday, 27th October 2010, Ken Lord, Approximation Theory.
- Wednesday, 20th October 2010, outing to LIMS for talks on Law of Mass Action & Inferring Physical Mechanisims.
- Wednesday, 13th October 2010, Robin Whitty, Pfaffing around with Pfaffians.
- Wednesday, 6th October 2010, Sam Tarzi, Queen Mary, University of London, Cartan Triality and the random 3-coloured graph.
- Wednesday, 29th September 2010, Sam Tarzi, Queen Mary, University of London, Introduction to Countable Random Graphs.
- Wednesday, 22th September 2010, Fatima Affif Chaouche, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Graphic and Fano Matroids.
- Wednesday, 8th September 2010, outing to hear Andrea Bertozzi, Professor of Mathematics at University of California Los Angeles, speaking on Particle Laden Flow. This is a LIMS seminar.
- Wednesday, 25th August 2010, Carrie Rutherford, Batch Codes and Transversal Matroids III.
- Wednesday, 18th August 2010, Carrie Rutherford, Batch Codes and Transversal Matroids II.
- Wednesday, 11th August 2010, Koko Kayibi, Random generation of graphs with prescribed degree sequence.
- Monday, 26th July 2010, Simeon Ball, On large subsets of a finite vector space in which every subset of basis size is a basis.
- Wednesday, 14th July 2010, Carrie Rutherford, Batch Codes and Transversal Matroids I.
- Wednesday, 7th July 2010, hi-jacked by Robin Whitty.
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or this page: Carrie Rutherford