Theorem of the Day
Gallery Shop I've been too busy adding theorems and other things to the website to pay much attention to the shop. I dare say it will suddenly revitalise itself... Click In case you have come here hoping to find a 2014 calendar maybe you would think about this by Christine Huyghe. 2010 Calendar: 12 Theorems by Women Mathematicians This calendar is still available as a free download! Click on the image below to find out more. Each month will show one of the theorems listed under Theorems by Women Mathematicians. I don't think I will produce a printed calendar this year (or only as a print-on-demand option in case anyone wants it). Instead it will be a free download. The 2009 calendar has been downloaded over 1500 times, so this seems by far the most efficient way of supplying it. You can still download the 2009 calendar here including LaTeX source files for the month layouts if you want to adapt them yourself. In the meantime, watch this space...
Theorem of the Day
is maintained by Robin Whitty. Comments or suggestions are welcomed by me.
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