Change history and individual file downloads
I will try to keep the complete
download of the 2009 calendar as up to date as I can. If you
have already downloaded the calendar you may want to replace individual
files which have been corrected or improved. This is the place to
do it. If you have bought a printed copy of the calendar then you
can at least keep informed of errors (if you have access to a colour
printer you may even want to print out a new version of a particular
month's theorem to stick over the incorrect one).
I am very grateful to everyone who has taken the trouble
to point out errors to me.
Version v1. 13 November 2101
GMT: initial upload.
Version v2. 27 November 1426
GMT: one of the permutations in the illustration for October's
theorem (an Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem for Intersecting Permutations)
was incorrectly typed, so that 3 and 4 were both mapped to 3. Corrected
file (click to view the pdf file in a new window and save a
copy if required).
Version v3. 13 December 1815
GMT: corrected the spelling of Benoit Larose in October's
theorem (an Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem for Intersecting Permutations)
(thanks to Claudia Malvenuto for spotting it, and apologies to Prof.
Larose). Corrected
file (click to view the pdf file in a new window and save a
copy if required). Replaced January's theorem (A Theorem on Apollonian
Circle Packings) with a new version with much improved images of
the packings (thanks to Emil Vaughan of Queen Mary University of
London for these). Corrected
file (click to view the pdf file in a new window and save a
copy if required).